You might have seen hundreds or more of questions floating here and there; getting some places in mail boxes, "How is life ?". Then, following that, lot of answers or replies "Life is as usual... Same busy life... just going on ... " .. Lots in similar lines... Out of these many answers, my eyes see the word "Busy" and it looks to me as "B U S Y..."
To start with, who can be called as really busy and who is not busy, but pretending to be busy ? Lot of questions to be answered ... Stay tuned!
The other day, I was going to Bangalore and I was in Chennai railway station... One of my junior was with me... and he told there, "I feel whole world is travelling when I am in railway station, and I feel whole world is sick when I am in some hospital, and I feel whole world is enjoying when I am in some movie theatre". I started thinking on those lines for long; though; the first impression was "It's really correct. If that is not the case, then why I can see only people around me doing the same thing as I am doing or standing in the same place, where I am standing." So my thinking went on ... And I thought, may be this is the reason, the word came as "Busy" ...
Yet another day (was a week-end), I was in Marina Beach with my family members, and my uncle told, people are finding little time from their busy life to relax here. Some people were seen playing with their kids, some flying kites and some jumping in the sea water... And I told, don't you think that they are busy in what they are doing now? Agreed and with convincing face, he told, you are right. Now, I say, if that is the case, then whatever, you do, you keep yourself busy there; thereby getting 100% of your expectation from that. Whatever, I do, I say I am busy in doing that...
So, finally, the word "Busy" became so general, that I don't see anything or any work, that I can do without keeping myself busy. Now, when I am not really doing anything, can I say, "I am busy doing nothing ?" Funny...right? It's like, holding air in your hand :).
Well, I have given some lines to think on ... Now, be judges and find, who can be called real busy; or pretending to be busy; or there is nothing called real busy or false busy ! All the very best for the finding ...
So, finally, the word "Busy" became so general, that I don't see anything or any work, that I can do without keeping myself busy. Now, when I am not really doing anything, can I say, "I am busy doing nothing ?" Funny...right? It's like, holding air in your hand :).
Well, I have given some lines to think on ... Now, be judges and find, who can be called real busy; or pretending to be busy; or there is nothing called real busy or false busy ! All the very best for the finding ...
Its Nice blog...on BUSY: but in my opinion BUSY is the word you will say when u are not interested to do that work. So if you are doing your interested work, you are not busy. you are enjoying the work.
So people will say busy only when they are frustrated to the work.
So the people opinion is correct. Even in other way your opinion is also correct...
Anyhow GOOD blog to think...keep it up....
@Anil kumar b j
Thanks for the comment. Good thought too. Liked it :)
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