About Me ...

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Chennai, TN, India
I am a Software Engineer since Aug 2004. Master of own space, Fun loving but within a limit, hate pulling other's leg, twinkling brain thinking of surroundings, blend of culture and sanskar, priest of music, always ready with a helping hand and a smiling face, Mr Attitude for people who deserve it, but a true and great friend for my friends ...

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


1. People tolerate being managed, but they love being led
2. Deadlines often backfire
3. People don’t say NO to interruptions often enough
4. People don’t hit invisible targets, unless by accident
5. People don’t cope with more than seven concurrent objectives
6. 1 employee + 2 managers = half the output
7. Good managers are occasionally unpopular
8. People are outrageously optimistic when they estimate time
9. Inertia sets in after only fifteen minutes
10. People hate change and change happens
11. People value praise above money
12. Mangers tend to flog their willing horses to exhaustion
13. People easily become addicted to being a firefighter
14. Attention seekers never change
15. People prefer to leave the nasty jobs until last
16. People want to be given their work in one of only four ways
17. Productivity is a natural trait
18. People are easily tricked into thinking that urgent equals important
19. Most people hate being organized
20. Managers tend to give the worst tasks to their best people
21. Some unintelligent people are a great asset, but others are dangerous
22. Some lazy people are a great asset, but others must go
23. Most people say NO in code
24. Work expands to fill the time available
25. People tend to do thing at the accepted time, which is often not the effective time
26. When leaders don’t create the culture they want, they get a culture that they definitely don’t want
27. When the managers lacks self-discipline, people don’t try
28. All bullies eventually suffer their just rewards
29. The team does not judge you by your best or worst performances
30. The team believe what they see over what you say
31. Listening to personal stuff can backfire
32. There is often an unfair time delay between effort and reward
33. Most people resist planning
34. Teams rarely achieve things when they believe they can’t
35. Team goals + team desire = team results
36. Few people think, really think
37. Energy levels rise and fall with expectations
38. People don’t get out of bed to achieve your goals
39. There are nine common de-motivators
40. Many managers don’t truly want to be the boss

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