A village in Ganjam district of Orissa goes by name "Kukudakhandi"... Every 5 years, there is a custom of celebrating village Goddess here in this village... It is being celebrated very pompously and largely... Lot of people come to see this festival... Relatives, Friends, Near and dears are of no exception... All get some time from their busy schdule and never miss to be in village for this grand occasion...
2008 came after 5 years of last celebration in 2003. Same spirit among village people, same enthu to do the festival and what not... All assembled in village without fail... Each street were lighted heavily, glorified with a big stage of spiritual plot, tremendous art work and light settings... Looked like all the families in the village were having Marriage celebrations in their houses... Houses were colored with new look, lit by brightest color lights and decorated well inviting their relatives and friends... What an atmosphere it was...
I am sure, the spectators would have wished the next festival to come in next year, not after 5 long years ....
Thanks to the blog owner. What a blog! nice idea.
Sorry for my bad english. Thank you so much for your good post. Your post helped me in my college assignment, If you can provide me more details please email me.
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