“Everything You Desire” is an Indian novel by an IIM-B guy “Harshdeep Jolly”. It is a journey spanning 21 months of life at an IIM. It is not a story of how to get into an IIM or get out of it. It is a journey that takes you into the lives of Tushar, Dipendu, Divya, Priya, Harsh and others as they try to manage much more than time and relationships. It is about… Friendship, Love, Study, Party, Hostel life, Organizing events, Interview sessions, and much more…
A journey begins; the characters are on air,
Let the action begin now that we are there!
An advice is taken; a roadblock hit,
Some impress with brains, other with wit!!
A popularity parade just before a peep into the corporate jungle,
A mid-summer mega party-where we don’t bungle!
A few struggle with love; others are buried under academic load,
The target is clear, but where is the road?
Finally its time for the climax, the actors have rehearsed well,
Is it a smooth ending or a Pell-Mell?
A journey begins; the characters are on air,
Let the action begin now that we are there!
An advice is taken; a roadblock hit,
Some impress with brains, other with wit!!
A popularity parade just before a peep into the corporate jungle,
A mid-summer mega party-where we don’t bungle!
A few struggle with love; others are buried under academic load,
The target is clear, but where is the road?
Finally its time for the climax, the actors have rehearsed well,
Is it a smooth ending or a Pell-Mell?
The novel is purely simple one, no ups and downs, it's just personal diary of Harshdeep. I was wondering why the name of the book is "Everything you desire!", and the last few lines of the book cleared that... The last few lines of the book went as:
We had achieved so much and got so much out of these 2 years. Yet, it seemed many people had not got many things they desired- be it their dream job, a great CG or a steadt girlfriend!! Why don’t we get everything we desire? Is it because we desire for everything? Or is it because there is someone out there, somewhere, who knows what is right for us. He makes sure we get everything we should get, it may not be everything we desire!
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