About Me ...

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Chennai, TN, India
I am a Software Engineer since Aug 2004. Master of own space, Fun loving but within a limit, hate pulling other's leg, twinkling brain thinking of surroundings, blend of culture and sanskar, priest of music, always ready with a helping hand and a smiling face, Mr Attitude for people who deserve it, but a true and great friend for my friends ...

Monday, April 23, 2007

Everything Happens For A Reason ...

I am sure you might have read/heard this line ..."Everything Happens For A Reason". Well, even I have heard this line from lot of people and when I was in the side of listening that and cross-questioning on that... I got the reply..."Look around. It is very clear. You can not understand that, but everything happens for a reason.. Sometimes things happen in a very strange way, and only later you understand why, but not HOW !!!".

It sounded like a convincing answer at least to me; and I dwelled much on the answer and here I am today, putting my thoughts on this ...

Well, having convinced on the head line, me too convinced on the fact that, it is up to us to define that reason within our own lives. Events have meaning because we assign meaning to them. Events only have significance when we choose to do significant things because of them. We all can discover meaning in what has happened to us — seeing such occurrences as gifts, lessons, or opportunities that we might not have been able to get any other way.

The easiest way to convince yourself to this fact is by pretending yourself as the creator of everything that has happened to you. (Well, this could be difficult). When you find yourself in a situation you don't like, ask yourself what you did to make it happen to you. (This could be easier, I guess). Now, you can inevitably come up with something in the past that contributed to your undesirable present. Moreover, hopefully, you can think of something you could have done differently that might have prevented it.

Well, being known of these, the next question is, what can I do now / how does it help me now ? For some people, it may not. Think recursively. Now, ask yourself what you can do today that will keep it from getting any worse; make up for the past error; make it better.

There is almost always something, but it's hard to see unless you look at the problem from a different perspective. Nothing bad happens unless something good is right around the corner.

There are things to worry about; but at the same time there are lots to be happy of or proud of. You don’t miss what you don’t know exists. I have felt unconditional love from my family since the day I was born, granted not everyone is that lucky, but I think everyone should.

Maybe that is what is missing from this society, more love, more unconditional love. I guess some people might think that unconditional love does not exist, but I do believe in it because I have experienced it. I know my family loves me no matter what. I even know that some of my good friends also love me that way. I would not trade this feeling for anything, and I think I am not wrong for expecting complete unconditional love out of the relationships that matter in my life.

Well, I took a different route altogether, but think this with the quote below...

"Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny."

Finally, Everything happens for a reason ... ; remember, we have to define the "reason" ourselves and pretend that we are the creator of everything happening to us ...

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