About Me ...

- Chinmaya
- Chennai, TN, India
- I am a Software Engineer since Aug 2004. Master of own space, Fun loving but within a limit, hate pulling other's leg, twinkling brain thinking of surroundings, blend of culture and sanskar, priest of music, always ready with a helping hand and a smiling face, Mr Attitude for people who deserve it, but a true and great friend for my friends ...
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Have you stirred your coffee well?
Monday, April 26, 2010
OOPS - I Fell In Love...
Discover the Diamond in you ...
- PASSION – There is nothing more powerful than a human soul on fire. Nothing in life defines us more than how passionately we go about doing what we believe in. Follow your passion and everything will follow.
- POSITIVE ENERGY – The higher the positive energy, the more our chances of achieving success. All your passion can go waste, if it is not backed up by a tremendous amount of positive energy.
- PERFORMANCE – Insanity is continuing the same behaviour and expecting a different result. If you want things around you to change, you need to be that change agent. You have got to do something more than what you’ve always been doing. SUSTAINED SINCERITY: The two most important words that make an achiever!
- PERSEVERANCE – “The only people who never fail are those who never try!” Success teaches us very little – it is failure that makes you think and work harder. Be prepared to fail, but have the perseverance to try again and again. Success will not be far behind.
- PERSONALITY – LAW of personality stands for Looks, Actions and Words. In a leader, personality is more important than technical expertise. He has to have this ability to create an aura of dynamism around him and bring in so much good cheer and positive energy that it sets the right tone for the entire organization and has a strong, positive impact on group performance.
- PEOPLE SKILLS – “If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together.” You need to have the ability and knack of building a great team. The most important job of a leader is to find his replacement. Only then he can grow in life.
- PERSPECTIVE – If you know where you are travelling to and what you want in life, everything else becomes clear, and your journey reaps the maximum rewards. The unfortunate reality in our lives is that often, because we lack perspective, we chose that path which gives us short-term returns, but it is harmful in the long run.
- PRINCIPLES – Let there never be any doubt about what you stand for. Principles and ethics make a man stand tall in the long run.
- PATRIOTISM – Patriotism makes your success live forever – it is the love for your country and for human beings anywhere in the world that makes a human diamond perfect!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
The Greatness Guide 2
Another book from Robin Sharma on "Greatness". Name of the book is "The Greatness Guide 2 - 101 ways to reach the next level".
1. Be the Best You - There will never be a better time to be the best you than today.
2. Invisible Fences - As we grow up, we adopt negative beliefs and false assumptions and sabotaging fears from the world around us. These become our Invisible Fences.
3. The Power of Simple – Success will come from simplicity.
4. Be So Good They Can’t Ignore you – Life is always fair in the end. Trust it.
5. The Success Expansion Principle – On the other side of every fear door lie gorgeous gifts.
6. Wear Shiny Shoes – The way you do little things says a lot about the way you will do the big things.
7. Listen Carefully – Every person you meet knows at least one thing you don’t; don’t let them leave without learning it.
8. Dream like David (Mejia) – You can curse the darkness, or you can light a candle and show up as a leader.
9. Do It Now – Why delay having a remarkably good time until you are old?
10. JBN (Just Be Nice) – Nice is what builds enduring businesses.
11. There Are No Mistakes – Everything that has happened to you in your life, the good and the difficult, was necessary to help you become the person you are now.
12. The Blank Slate of Tomorrow – It’s better to die standing than live your whole life on your knees.
13. Get Great at Gratitude – What you value in your life increases its value.
14. Take Charge Fast – Leadership occurs in moments of challenge, not during moments of ease.
15. Ideas Are Worthless if? – The world of ours is full of great thinkers who never realized their greatness. Nothing happens until you move.
16. Open Your Eyes – It’s easy to get caught up in the rush of busyness and the call of our routines that we forget the imperative of being aware of the very things we are doing.
17. Symbols of Glory – What tokens of excellence can you find that will quickly help you get back to your priorities when the crush of daily events clamors for your attention?
18. Be Unreasonable – The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Critics have always laughed at the visions of bold thinkers and remarkable visionaries. Ignore them.
19. Not All Leaders Are the Same – Everyone can show leadership behavior but that doesn’t mean everyone will lead the organization. Everyone really can be a leader and have a profound impact by standing for excellence within the area of their responsibility. But not everyone is the same.
20. I Learn from My Mistakes (Sometimes) – If you don’t try, you’ll never know.
21. Ask Powerful Questions – In business, remarkable performers are dazzlingly good at getting to the right question, the one that speeds them to the place they need to reach.
22. Be Breathtakingly Humble – Humility. An essential element in the creation of a beautiful legacy.
23. Be a Cool Brand – What would it take for you to become a cool brand, so that when people think of you, words like innovative or world class or unique infuse their minds.
24. Cherish Conflict – Conflict is nothing more than an opportunity for greater growth and a deeper connection.
25. The Responsibility Meter – Life is all about balance. And one of the most vital of all balance points is the one involving freedom and responsibility.
26. A Lust for Growth – Growth is the only evidence of life. We are here only because of that.
27. Credit Doesn’t Matter – You can accomplish anything in life, provided that you don’t mind who gets the credit.
28. The Brilliance of Acceptance – We all get hard days and mean seasons, from time to time. But days do get better and seasons always change.
29. Be a Beautiful Thinker – Commit to making each of your thoughts a thing of beauty.
30. Opinions Doesn’t Matter – Success isn’t a popularity contest.
31. Are You Jokeable? – When was the last time you allowed someone to make you laugh so hard tears streamed down your cheeks?
32. How to Get Power – The only way to truly get power is to give it away.
33. Habits Are Hip – What separates the best from the rest comes down to habits.
34. Find Perfect Moments – Life could always be better, but happiness is all about gaining a sense of promotion and perspective.
35. The Paradox of Praise – Giving praise to all those around you, when they most deserve it, makes you look like more. It elevates you. It makes you look like a hero.
36. Luck Versus Law – Good things happen to people who do good things. Do the right things and you cannot help but see the right results.
37. Camel’s Back Syndrome – Sustained failure happens as the consequence of small, daily acts of neglect that stacks up over time to lead to a blowup, and a breakdown.
38. Burn the Extra 1 Percent – The last 1 percent most people keep in reserve is the extra percent champions have the courage to burn.
39. Remember Reciprocity – It’s only human nature to want to help those who’ve helped us. Each of us has a deep-seated hunger to do unto others as they’ve done unto us.
40. Say What You Mean – It’s the people we love most that we take most for granted.
41. Richard Branson and Outrageous Optimism – Being the most optimistic person in the room will help you transcend the rest.
42. Beware of Victimspeak – No matter what life sends us, we are responsible for the way we respond.
43. I’m Stretching Too – Never let anyone tell you that your dreams can’t come true. Eventually someone’s going to do what you dream of doing. Why not you then?
44. Stop Trying So Hard – Life will always lead you to a place that’s better.
45. The Mirror Test – Ask yourself, “What one thing could I do today that if I did it, my professional and personal life would get to its NLG: Next Level of Greatness?”
46. Find Uncomfortable Friends – Why spend time with people at work who play at mediocre? Why have friends in your personal life who resign themselves to being ordinary?
47. Improve Where You Are – To get world class, it is absolutely essential to become an excellent innovator.
48. Pride In Parenting – Money us not the most important form of wealth.
49. The Hidden Machinery – Masters make everything look so simple. The most brilliant of the best do their craft with effortless ease and exceptional grace, or at least, make it look that way to you and me.
50. Don’t Wait for Change – Sometimes, when everyone else is waiting for someone else to take the first step, you need to be the one to drive the change.
51. First Principles for Great Relationships – Never miss an opportunity to celebrate and elevate another person.
52. Worry Versus Reflection – Isn’t there something good about going back and delighting in the delicious moments of journey so far and in learning from all we’ve experienced?
53. Believe in Others – Leadership is all about believing in others (and yourself) when no one else does.
54. The Best Practice is Practice – Brilliant results don’t just show up by chance. The finest things in life take patience, focus and sacrifice.
55. Pain Servers You Well – Perhaps the things that break our hearts are the very things that serve to open them.
56. Your Team’s Only as Good as You – You set the standard to which you all can rise. Each finger affects the strength of the hand.
57. Music Makes Life Better – Music will help a lot. It will make every moment better. It is the soundtrack to a brilliant life.
58. Don’t Fight for your Excuses – No great life was ever built on a foundation of excuses. So stop making them.
59. ABC (Always Be Connecting) – Find ways to connect, with the people you work with, with the loved ones you live with, and with the strangers with whom you share this journey called life.
60. What Separates You? – Know what separates you from everyone else. Because if you don’t know what makes your business special, how can you tell everyone else?
61. Time Passes Too Fast – Go the extra mile in all you do. Speak truthfully. Live with honor. And have some fun. Because one day, your time will run out.
62. What Happened to Quiet? – Too much noise gets in the way of dreaming and good conversations and time to just be.
63. A Stainless Character – We always have a choice. We can always choose between right and wrong.
64. Set People Free – People want to be a part of an organization that lets them bring their gifts to work and be fully alive.
65. A Day of Listening – Everyone has a voice. And each of us craves to have ours recognized.
66. Smart Companies Compete for Emotion – The main competition is not for “share of wallet”. No. It’s for share of your customers’ hearts.
67. You’ll Know When You Know – Do your best and let life do the rest.
68. Be a Hero – Greatness inhabits each one of us irrespective of who we are and where we are.
69. Why Plan? – Start writing about the work and home you desire to create.
70. Ask to Get – The most brilliant of the best, those who live glorious lives that matter, ask like crazy.
71. Do New Things -
72. On Personal Mastery – Life offers you daily opportunities to shine, to polish your gifts, to release your chains, to achieve personal mastery.
73. Be Unpopular – Business that try to be all things to all people end up being nothing to anyone.
74. Own Your Greatness – People appreciate being reminded that they are meant to play at great. That there are no extra people on the planet. That every life has a purpose.
75. Be Like Coldplay – Create fans, then delight them and do whatever it takes to get them coming back for more.
76. Stop Sleeping So Much -
77. Go Perpendicular – It is not possible to discover new oceans unless one is willing to lose sight of the shore.
78. Do Your Life – An excellent life grows out of an authentic one.
79. Give to Get – You need to give to get. Giving does begin the receiving process.
80. Be Like J.K. (Rowling) – Visionaries see an opportunity that most around them just don’t get.
81. Whatever Happened to Commitment? – Nothing comes for free. The best things in life require sacrifice and devotion.
82. Get Excited or Get Upset – Each day we have the opportunity to make choices and the way we choose shapes our destiny.
83. Build Bridges, Not Fences – We all crave to belong, to know we are part of a larger whole.
84. Fail Faster – There can be no success without failure. It’s just part of the process. You need to fail to win.
85. Angels in Your Evolution – Everyone who is causing you stress, struggle and challenge in your life just might be an angel of sorts… carrying the lessons you most need to learn.
86. Lead By Example – The greatest sermon on life is the one you see.
87. Be an Idea Factory – One big idea could revolutionize your life and even the world around you. All it takes is that single genius thought to change the whole game.
88. Speak Your Truth – One of the things that separates leaders from followers is that those who lead speak openly, honestly and courageously.
89. Leadership Begins at Home – The fruit never falls far from the tree, and your children will become a lot more like you than you may believe.
90. Respect Rules – Making your teammates feel special is job number one.
91. Learn from Michael J. Fox – Every life is terminal. No matter how long we get to live, we are all headed for the same end.
92. The Journey’s as Good as the End – Climb offers you far more value and as many rewards as getting to your mountaintop.
93. What Is Success? – Success is all about being in the process of joyfully creating a life that reflects your highest values, your deepest beliefs and your greatest dreams.
94. Your Highest Freedom – Everything can be taken from a man but one thing, the last of the human freedoms to choose one’s attitude to a given set of circumstances, to choose one’s way.
95. Go
96. On the Burden of Greatness – At the end of our lives, the only thing that endures is who we became, the difference we made and the love we gave.
97. Live an Intense Life – Do it all with rare passion, with bravery and with a sparkle in your eye. Do it all with intensity.
98. Make Your Mark – If you don’t use each day to do even one thing to make your mark and to advance your vision and to become your brilliance, you may muss what truly counts.
99. Create Your Body of Work – Greatness comes when you create something with your life that is not only bigger than you but outlasts you.
100. Big Like Mandela – Nelson Mandela is an amazing example of the heights to which human beings can rise.
101. Will You Be Great Today? – Get to the truth: You are meant to play big with your life.