About Me ...

- Chinmaya
- Chennai, TN, India
- I am a Software Engineer since Aug 2004. Master of own space, Fun loving but within a limit, hate pulling other's leg, twinkling brain thinking of surroundings, blend of culture and sanskar, priest of music, always ready with a helping hand and a smiling face, Mr Attitude for people who deserve it, but a true and great friend for my friends ...
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Life is good, if ?
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
For A Reason!

Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow or learn. They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it, it is real. But only for a season.!

Thursday, March 12, 2009
For You Only ...

The day when I first met you, when our eyes met, I had given you place in my heart. Really, like the real world, if dream world had some reality, then my rest of life would have been real. I would have spent all my nights in dreams… We can only see the distant moon, but can’t touch. You are also like that distant moon. How can I tell you my inner stories? You have gone, but your memories have become part of my life with which I am surviving. Without you, there is no memory, and there is no life…
The day when I had seen you, I had made you my dream girl; not only in my dreams, but in my body, mind and soul too… I had dreamt of giving all worldly happiness to you…

I remember that day when I was on my way back home and you had given me a bouquet of rose as gift. The fragrance of those had really made me mad. Girls like flower a lot, rose being the top of the list. They never give that to others feeling as if they are giving one part of their heart; but you had given me that… Having found that as symbol of Love too, I could not believe that you love me, as I always thought I am not suitable for you…
But what happened! The strings of guitar broke, all songs became lifeless, all the drawings that I had drawn using canvas got changed, and the petals of rose fell down… I never believed that you would change like this… You changed me and everything of me… I still remember those memories… I wanted to speak my heart, but could not… I still remember you, but how can I explain that to you?
With your all memories, I live today. Season after season changes, but there is no spring in my life… Flowers have become odorless, lifeless. No more new plants, only dry desert…
Yes, the world changes. Here everything changes easily, so how can we be exceptions? Everything happens as He wants; hopefully, He has not created you for me, so how can I get you? Humans always try to get what they like and I am no exception to that… I also wanted you, but the society stood against me… Sometimes, humans behave unmanly by these circumstances…
I have wasted most of the time of my life for you; still you could not understand me. You would have understood me well if I had married you, but that was out of my control. I won’t get love from you, I am sure, but hate me for all that I have done… But I still have kept the bouquet that you had given me, now only with thorns, giving pain to me whenever I think of you… Still I am not able to throw that, rather, I have kept that close to my heart hurting my body… Hope, the blood released from my body will be the signature of our love, our memory…
Yours ....
Note: This is my sheer crude imagination over a train journey from Brahmapur (Orissa) to Chennai on 11th March 2009. Thanks to the Oriya magazines that I had managed to read during my stay at Orissa for this inspiration.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
I being a Taurus Man ...

- A quiet simple man who can do something unexpected to shock you...
- Mostly medium tall, strong with good health, good strong body…
- When he talks, he likes to turn his head to one side on one direction…
- His body will be quite straight, facial structure tends to be square shape more than other shape…
- His eyes sparkle with liveliness…
- Even when he is in love, he is still a free wild bird…
- He is like sand in your palm, the more you want to hold it; it will slip out. If you stand and hold it still, it will stay that way…
- Don't set the rules and draw a line for him, he will not stay…
- When you are with him, he will think only of you. But an hour later he could change his mind…
- He is very patient with other people, but very impatient with himself…
- His world is always turning and it will not stop just because he loves you…
- If he gets upset, he will show it right away…
- If something has gone wrong, he will blame his own carelessness; instead of blaming other people…
- He is sincere to his friends; even to some friends he does not like…
- He likes to do odd things and surprise other people…
- He could slap your back so hard just to make you turn around to see he has flowers in his hand…
- He never wants to get too close with anyone for he thinks “living in reality is living by yourself”…
- He does not care what people think when he behaves weird…
- He could be walking bare feet and laughing at people who laugh at him and think they are so narrow minded…
- He does not like to follow conformity, but always want to search for new ventures, new mystery…
- He will interest in a life of a millionaire as much as a life of an old man selling newspaper on a sidewalk vendor…
- He likes to search and analyze people and things…
- He will analyze his friends or his girl friend, and once the mystery is gone, he will search for new puzzle to solve…
- He can not easily understand thing, so he will gradually learn about you till he fills up all his questions…
- He knows so many people, but he has a few friends. He looks for quality friends than quantity friends...
- He will be close with some friends shortly and move on…
- He always feels lonely even if surrounded by many people...
- He could create his own little world, and sometimes no one would understand him...
- He looks only for future and he thinks he lives for the future...
- He may wonder how many people think like he does, but he does not want to be like the others…
- A man with a conflict personality...
- He is a cool, understanding, very artistic and able to work well …
- He could shock you as much as he is able to calm you down when you are upset...
- He is a free spirit who likes venture, but when he wants to be alone, do not touch him, but to let him be...
- He won't disappear from the crowds too long, he will be back...
- He will give you straight forward opinion or comments, but will never advice what he thinks you should do...
- He does not like people to tell him what he should do too...
- He thinks each individual dreams and thoughts should be very private…
- He will use his brain not his body strength, so he will let other guys compete...
- He has a certain satisfactory in life and hate to force himself in competition...
- He may seem to be careless, but actually he is a thinker and a stubborn one...
- He sees anything in details and not easily trust people till he thinks he knows them well...
- You can just smile and he will think why and what are you smiling about, and if you are pretending…
- Once he trusts you and accepts you as a friend, no one can say otherwise to change that; for he will not listen to gossip...
- He will be honest and sincere to his friends...
- He hates lies, so he will not tell you lie. If he finds it is necessary to lie, he will find other ways not to tell you or avoid telling you anything. If he really has to lie, you will never be able to tell that he is lying…
- He can really keep secrets, so you will hardly know that he is a lonely soul…